Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Commentary on SG1 S10 Episode Bad Guys(spoilers)

Don't know if it was the lighting or not, but Michael Shanks looked very tanned:)

One day this man will get to do a real comedy and that will be a wonderful thing because he can do comedy very well. His timing and his use of body language/facial expression are amazing.

Sadly though, Stargate SG-1 is not a comedy and while some humor is always welcome, seeing Daniel Jackson reduced to nothing more than the comic relief for the sake of the story was not something I enjoyed watching for the character (but conversely thought that Michael can really do comedy).

Who was that guy impersonating Daniel Jackson? Is it some left over influence of Merlin's personality or some weird gate related mutation. Either way, it was very jarring and not something I want to see the character do again..Michael Shanks as an actor do again in some really all out funny comedy, yes..but Daniel Jackson, no. It threw me right out of the storyline.

So Vala did Sam's job while she was gone and as much as I hate to say this because I like Sam Carter, but Vala did it better and in a more interesting manner. If this episode proves one thing it's that Vala is one smart lady.

Mitchell and Teal'c were perfectly in character in this episode and that along with Vala made it very good in many parts. I liked Jaymas the guard and I liked the curator guy. They were good characters. Wish I could say more for the other the totally cliched 'valley girls from another planet' and the ridiculous catfight thing. I wonder who came up with that..Ben Browder or Martin Gero. Whichever one did needs a good talking to.

I like fluff as much as the next person, I just don't like it at the sacrifice of a character's integrity and intelligence. This episode did both to Daniel Jackson and I find that very disheartening. Only in the end did he actually turn back into the real Daniel Jackson.

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