Sunday, April 29, 2007

Shallow Blog Post: My 'Most Wanted'

There you have it, my 'Most Wanted' List, what a line up huh LOL

Ok so it does need the addition of a character played by Chuck Norris to make it complete but I just had to post these pictures as my latest 'shallow blog' contribution.

I guess I just found it so funny that over the last 2 months 3 of my favorite actors would play characters that get mug shots taken of them. First to come was the dazzling and talented Michael Shanks as Jack Sullivan in the Lifetime Movie Judicial Indescretion. Jack Sullivan is a very nasty piece of work and Michael Shanks played the role to perfection once again proving what an amazingly talented actor he is.

The other two are Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, stars of my current favorite TV series Supernatural. There is Dean 'I call this one Blue Steel' Winchester and Sam 'because I have an idiot for a brother, that's why' Winchester in the episode Folsom Prison Blues..the one were the boys con their way into prison to fight a supernatural threat.

Needless to say I think they all three look adorable in their mug shots and are definitely on my wanted list LOL!


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