Sunday, August 05, 2007

More Comic Con Stuff


While I was up in the press room interviewing the very photographic Jensen Ackles, Chuck Norris, my longtime hero was roaming the Exhibit hall buying stuff for his two youngest kids. So close yet so far away..*sigh* maybe next time.

I think I had one of my ultimate fangirl moments when I got meet Charles Band! Yes I am a huge fan of the tacky horror movies produced by Band's Full Moon Productions and to meet the man who was responsible for such favorites of mine as 'Trancers' and Puppet Masters was just a huge thrill for me. Yes, my friends say that my inner child is really a 12 year old boy and this just proves it LOL!

That and I just had to get some photos of the Mach 5 and the Batmobile..if the 67 Impala from Supernatural had been there I would have been in car heaven.

Some Comic Con Stuff

I recently went to Comic Con this past weekend to do some coverage for Eclipse Magazine. I had a lot of fun, but the pace was very hectic and by Sunday I was feeling the drag.

I'll have lots of interviews and articles upcoming in the weeks ahead, but just wanted to share some overflow stuff here. Mostly photos and fun encounters with some really great people.

Got a chance to meet one of my long time faves, Marc Singer and interview him. I have to tell you he looks amazing and he has such beautiful blue eyes. Got to chat with the always interesting John De lancie who was at the Lightspeed Fine Arts booth to promote his new work.

Also got to talk to Teryl Rothery who told me that Janet Fraiser is not going to be in any of the two new SG1 movies, but did tell me what a great time she had working on Supernatural in the episode Heart where she once again played a medical person. She said that Jared Padalecki was an absolute sweetheart to work with..very funny and very giving.., but she got a crimp in her neck having to look up at him. (Padalecki is 6'4" and Teryl is 5'3"). Teryl said she would love to work on Supernatural again and of course appear as Janet Fraiser in any new SG1 movies that might come along. So listen up SG1 movie producers....we want Teryl back:)

Got my picture taken with the very suave Joseph Mallozzi Showrunner for SG: Atlantis. Got a nice pic of Ben Browder and of Browder, Judge and Tapping together. Got a great shot of my two favorite guys from Eureka. Oh and just for good measure got to take nice photos of the very photographic Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester, Supernatural).

That's it for this post now, more to come.


Friday, May 04, 2007

Michael Shanks is Setting Records at

Michael's Publicist has just passed along another message about his TVGuide Blog

"Michael's blog is now officially launched, and available via TVGuide's Celebrity Blogs page. He already may have set a new record for number of user comments in a celeb blog posting, which is awesome."

Way to go Michael Shanks:)

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Commentary - The Punisher (the Thomas Jane Version)

"In certain "extreme" situations, the law is inadequate. In order to shame its inadequacy, it is necessary to act outside the law. To pursue natural justice. This is not vengeance. Revenge is not a valid motive, its an emotional response. No, not vengeance-but punishment." -Frank Castle (a.k.a. The Punisher)

The other day while I was at Wal-Mart shopping for something else, I came across the Extended cut of The Punisher starring Thomas Jane. So I bought it. I'm glad I waited and got this version as the added footage explains so much more and really gives the movie back some of the coherency and punch I always believe it was intended to have. But with or without that, it was still a movie I have found myself compelled to watch over and over again. Never tiring of it.

For some reason I cannot really explain, I love this movie. Every time it's on a premium channel I have to sit down and watch it. I've been through numerous rationales for why it calls to me and no matter what else I am doing, I have to sit down and watch this version of The Punisher, which stars Thomas Jane.

Well one could look at the photos I have included of TJ as Frank Castle/The Punisher and conclude it's got to be the sexy look he's got going in this movie. However, this is the only movie aside from Deep Blue were I find Mr. Thomas Jane even remotely attractive (he does have a nice chest and I am happy to see he hasn't given into the latest thing about all male actors having to have smooth, hairless chests). So no it's not how he looks per se.

I do know he has one of those voices I find very intriguing and wonderful to listen to. If he and Timothy Dalton, Jensen Ackles, Sam Elliot and Richard Chaves ever did a movie together I would probably melt into a puddle just from listening to them talk LOL:) But even that isn't enough to explain my attachment to this movie.

The production release describes the plot of The Punisher as this: The Punisher walks through the world we all know, a world darkened by war, crime, cruelty and injustice. He has no superpowers to battle the evil he sees - only his fierce intelligence, his years of combat experience and, above all, his iron determination to avenge those wronged by society's villains.

Sometimes I think it's my own innate need to tilt at windmills and my own intolerance for unfairness or how some people seem to get away with things and doing things to other people and not have retribution brought down on them.

Sometimes I think it's because Frank Castle is so adrift and alone in the world having lost all the people he cares about. The only thing keeping him going is a fierce need to stand between other innocent victims and the terrible thing that happened to him. He's such a loner. He plays by his own rules and sets his own boundaries.

One of these days I'll figure it out. Til then, I have a really great extended cut of this movie to watch whenever I want to. To be able to listen to Thomas Jane's voice and get all shivery over it cause he does have a nice voice. Oh and he aint to bad to look at in this movie either;)


Fictional Character Appreciation - Happy Birthday Sam Winchester

Happy 24th Birthday to one of my Supernatural 'Boys' Sam Winchester.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Memory Lane - Happy Birthday Merrill Osmond

Yes, I'm taking another trip down memory lane back to my teenage girlhood and the guy whose pictures shared my bedroom walls with those of Chuck Norris and Paul Michael Glaser.

Today is Merrill Osmond's birthday.

Happy Birthday 'Teddy Bear' from this 'teenager' who is still proud to be listening to your music at the top of her car stereo:)

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Shallow Blog Post: My 'Most Wanted'

There you have it, my 'Most Wanted' List, what a line up huh LOL

Ok so it does need the addition of a character played by Chuck Norris to make it complete but I just had to post these pictures as my latest 'shallow blog' contribution.

I guess I just found it so funny that over the last 2 months 3 of my favorite actors would play characters that get mug shots taken of them. First to come was the dazzling and talented Michael Shanks as Jack Sullivan in the Lifetime Movie Judicial Indescretion. Jack Sullivan is a very nasty piece of work and Michael Shanks played the role to perfection once again proving what an amazingly talented actor he is.

The other two are Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki, stars of my current favorite TV series Supernatural. There is Dean 'I call this one Blue Steel' Winchester and Sam 'because I have an idiot for a brother, that's why' Winchester in the episode Folsom Prison Blues..the one were the boys con their way into prison to fight a supernatural threat.

Needless to say I think they all three look adorable in their mug shots and are definitely on my wanted list LOL!


Thursday, April 05, 2007

Memory Lane - War of The Worlds Revisited

I was in the Circuit City store the other day to buy an new cordless phone and decided to ramble through their selection of TV shows on DVD that were for sale. So what did I discover but the whole first season of the late 80's TV show War of the Worlds.

Wow, but I loved that show and the whole 'buddy' thing between the sweet Harrison Blackwood (played by Jared Martin)and the sexy Lt. Col. Paul Ironhorse (played by Richard Chaves). I wrote a ton of fanfic back in the early 90's about this show and especially about these two characters. Harrison and Paul were fascinating to me in their dynamic and interaction. Of the two of them, Paul Ironhorse with his military background and his strong sense of loyalty to his Native American heritage was the most intriguing to me of all.

In sitting down and watching this show on DVD at first I was wincing over the cheesy special effects and the shallowness of the plotting, but then I began remembering what it was that drew me was Harrison and Paul. Don't get me wrong, I liked Suzanne and Norton too. It's just that there was this strong 'buddy' element of two opposites coming together to form friendship between Paul and Harrison. A working chemistry between Jared Martin and Richard Chaves that really stood out and captured my attention.

Ok and to be perfectly shallow they were two good looking men, especially Chaves. And Richard Chaves has a voice that can make a girls knees go weak, ok well he makes mine go weak (OMG if he and Timothy Dalton and Jensen Ackles ever did a project together I would be in heaven cause I could listen to those three read the phone book I tell ya). I loved the contrast between the lightness of Harrison Blackwood with blue eyes and the dark smoldering look of Ironhorse with deep brown eyes.

So here I am going down memory lane with two of my favorite characters and of course now they are urging me to write fan fic about them again LOL. Of course they are going to have to talk a little louder to be heard over Dean and Sam Winchester right now LOL.

It's been really nice to see these two 'old friends' again.


Update on the Bear

In the end, I could not part with Harry. He's been in my life as long as I can remember and he'd held my secrets, shared my dreams, my sorrows and happiness far too long to just put him on the curb for the trash man to take.

So what if he's just made of stuffing, fake fur and numerous additions of this and that to keep him held together. He's still a part of my heart and I'm just gonna keep him there for good.


Monday, March 12, 2007

Life and the Joy of Unpacking

I finally finished moving all my stuff from one apartment to the next. Now comes the joy of unpacking.

It's kinda like Christmas, I get to open boxes that have who knows what inside of them. Yes, of course I'm one of those people who doesn't methodically label every box and carton..heck I have a ton of video tapes that I have no idea what I recorded on them, so why would I label boxes for moving LOL!

I also have some stuff I have to make a serious decision on as to whether or not it's time to let go of it. One of those major decisions involves my childhood and a teddy bear I've had since I was 4 years old. Harry began life as a present given to my 15 year old cousin from one of her 'boyfriends of the week'. At two foot in height, Harry was just a fraction taller than me. I loved him and his shiny blue fur at first sight. 'boyfriend of the week' and giver of said bear lasted longer than a week then he was replaced. Harry was then placed into my arms with the command to 'take this thing if you want it.'(he had been replaced by a stuff leopard named 'Delphy').

Harry and I became fast friends and constant companions. The years went by and a lifetime of absorbing tears, secrets and hugs had taken its toll on his shiny blue fur which was eventually worn threadbare. A bout of fiercely being dragged around by a insolent puppy with no respect for the owners treasured things while she was at work, left Harry with a gaping hole in his chest, an arm and leg missing and vital stuffing strewn around the floor. Major reconstructive surgery ensued, preformed by an understanding sister in law who gave Harry a new chest covering and a pair of men's athletic socks as a new arm and leg (we have the technology, we can rebuild him).

Today I have to decide if it's time to let go of Harry.

But how to do you look a thread bare teddy bear with a piece of blue valour over his chest, a pair of men's athletic socks doubling for an arm and a leg..who is not just filled with cotton stuffing, but a childhood full of memories (not to mention a few adult ones as was into Harry's reconstructed chest that I sobbed out my grief over the loss of my mother those first few and terrible weeks after her death) in his trusting plastic eyes and tell him it's time to go?

The answer tomorrow.


My New Car Is Going to do What?

For the first time in my life, I am at a point to be able to afford to buy a brand new car instead of something used. So after my trusty ten year old Eagle Talon had a major mechancial failure too expensive to repair in a car that was also starting to have many minor issues as well, I decided to go car shopping early last December and get me something as a birthday/Christmas present to myself.

Of course I was thinking sports car. I have a particular fondness for Pontiac Firebirds and am still pining away over the loss of my beloved 77 Formula Firebird that I had bought used back in the mid 80's (350 engine, duel carb/duel exhaust--zero to 90 in a heartbeat) and drove until the body on it just started falling off and the price of gas got too expensive to keep it on the road.

However it turns out that even used sports cars were out of my budget range, but my favorite Saturn Dealer (I've bought my last two cars from their used car department and they were total gems to own) told me that I could afford a NEW CAR. Ok I said rather scepticly and they trotted out this black 2007 Saturn ION for me to puruse. It's pictured above.

OMG it's so...conservative looking was my first reaction to this boxy thing on wheels sitting in front of me waiting to go for a test spin. Where had the sleeker, sportier design of the Saturn gone to! (meanwhile their sexy version of a sports car sat in the corner of the showroom mocking me with it's outragous price tag).

Putting my reservations aside, I got in and took the ION for a test drive. Yep it was definitely conservative. Meanwhile my favorite Saturn Dealer was extolling the virtures of the car. It had ONSTAR, it has a Satellite Phone, it has a button to call an ambulance..'but where is the cassette player' I asked looking around anxiously. The only place I'm really serious about listening to music is in the car. How was I going to enjoy the music of she who is legend to me?

No cassette tape player, my dear. Those are obsolete now. I was beginning to feel obsolete too

"But your car can send you emails." FSD said with smile.

"It can do what?" I had immediate visions of KITT the Knight Rider car suddenly turned into a conservative boxy thing that would be filling my inbox with whiny messages about being too cold, too hot, too lonely out in the parking lot without me. But no, it was not to be anything even that exotic.

It will send me status updates on oil, the engine and other mechanical issues. Lovely. I'll get Boring technical emails from a if spam wasn't bad enough.

In the end, however the boxy, conservative black 2007 Saturn ION won me over and he and I drove off the lot together with me glancing back at trusty little black Eagle Talon sitting forlornly off to the side of the lot. Soon he would be going to the auto auction like an old horse to the glue factory. Yes, I cried. I'm the kind of woman who gets emotionally attached to her cars (except the much hated and much reviled 1986 Ford Taurus I owned for a brief time. I was so glad to see that piece of money grubbing junk go away that I zoomed off the lot in my 1990 red Pontiac Sunbird with a smile on my face).

I'm also the kind of woman who names her cars as well. From Old Blue (1973 Chevy Nova), Prince Baron the 77 Formula Firebird, right up to Teal'c the Talon (btw, just a tip, never name your car after a Clint Eastwood character and think that will make it tough and dependable..yes the Taurus was named Rowdy Yates) I've always given them names. And yes I have 'guy' cars and don't even try to give me that hoohaw about all cars being female because of the way gas is put into them. Gas is fuel which is food to the car and you name me one guy who doesn't put a spoon or a fork in his mouth to eat with.

This one has a name too, but I'm keeping that to myself. One day when he is gone to the auto auction, I'll tell you what it is. I will say that so far it's been a good name and the car seems to like it alot.

Wonder if he's sent me any emails today:)