Monday, February 05, 2007

Did you ever have the Urge

To 're-imagine' an episode of your favorite TV show because the episode just didn't work for you or you just expected more out of it?

I've had that urge ever since I saw SG1 S10 The Shroud. The episode had IMHO so much potentional and was to me very much a let down. As I stated in my review, it was just to glossed over and really had no heart or soul in the places and scenes where I wanted it most to be..yah I'm talking about the Jack and Daniel scenes.

I've re-imagined several episodes of SG1 before and really had a very satisfying time doing it. Don't know if others enjoyed them, but I had a great time working on them.

Have you ever seen a movie that you would like to re-imagine into an episode of your favorite TV show? I knew a very talented fanfic writer once who was very adept at doing this. Her re-imagine of 'Near Dark' into a War or the Worlds (TV show) story was awesome. Everytime I see the movie Manticore on the Scifi Channel I want to re-imagine it into a Stargate SG-1 episode. One with the Jack O'Neill as he was in the first several seasons of the show.

So who knows, I might share some 're-imagined' stories with my blog. Not that anyone is reading this but me LOL. So I write for myself. At least I know I'll have a friendly audience for my work:)



Unknown said...

I read your comment about the Fedex commercial on Joe's blog.. Did you catch the homage to Space: 1999?

As for the shroud, I agree, it's very sad that they condensed the Daniel being a prior arc down to one episode.

Stillhere said...

Yes I did and it was awesome, though I'm wondering how many others even know what the commercial was doing a homage to.

Yep the Shroud needed more than it got.

Thanks for responding:)
