Monday, February 26, 2007

Commentary on Saw 3 - (spoilers)

I took a break from packing and moving over the weekend to watch the movie Saw 3. I have to say it was very uneven and I think it more cohesion. There were parts that were 'edge of the seat' suspenseful and some that were 'head on the back of the couch, eyelids drooping' down right boring. Oh and there were also a few 'ack look away', moments too.

However it was interesting how they wove events from the first and second movies into the storyline of the 3rd and gave the viewers a look at what happened to some of the character and what their fates really were.

I don't think the 2nd and 3rd Saw movies captured the same spark of creativity that the first one had. Lacked the same intensity to the twists and turns of the plot.

I really hope they don't try to make a Saw 4 (but of course I'll watch it just to see).


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